
We won't use flowery words for this blog, so basically, this will be a simple blog which contains a summary of the summaries of information about the Renaissance period.

Linggo, Nobyembre 8, 2015

Famous Artist in Renaissance

Famous Artist of the Renaissance Period

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Buonarroti's full name is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simon. And as all other significant men in history, he has multiple occupations. He is a sculptor, a painter, an architect, and a poet. His most known arts are usually of those human depictions, and most often, they are nude.

David (1504)
One of Michelangelo's most famous works. David in all of his glory. David is a famous hero from biblical stories and was a favourite of the Florentines.

Pieta (1499)
Pieta is a sculpture of Virgin Mary holding Jesus Christ in her arms as he was removed from the cross. In the present, miniature types of this is being sold. It is also sometimes used in the altars of the church. 

The Creation of Adam (1512)
A painting of Adam, the very first man. This art is famous especially during the 21st century and is most used in internet posts. Some homeowners also hire painters to copy the painting and garnish their ceilings with the masterpiece. 

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo is not only a painter but also an architect, mathematician, engineer, etc. He is a perfect example of a 'Renaissance Man'. It is evident that Leonardo is famous for many has made documentaries about him and his works.

Mona Lisa (1517)
Mona Lisa is one of the most famous artworks from the Renaissance period. It is a portrait of a woman named Lisa Gherardini Giocondo. A replica of the art is displayed at the Louvre museum.

The Last Supper (1498)
The Last Supper, a mural painting by da Vinci. The painting is amounts to the Gospel of John, 13:21, when Jesus Christ announced that one of his disciples will betray him. Today, replicas of this painting is displayed before dining rooms.

Virgin of the Rocks (1508)
In this painting, the elements in the art is very distinct and unusual. Virgin of the Rocks were the title of two of his artworks, the two vary only with its details. Both picture Madonna with the child Jesus, an infant John the Baptist, and an angel.

Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi, better known as Donatello. He studied classical sculpture thus his Renaissance art. He uses wood, rock, bronze, clay, stucco, wax, etc.

Magdalene Penitent (1455)
The Magdalene Penitent is only one of the many arts in portrayal of Mary Magdalene. Magdalene was a prostitute before repenting in the desert for thirty years. In this art, Donatello breaks all stereotypes and made the art with Magdalene being pitifully unhealthy.

Judith and Holofernes (1460)
Donatello's representation of the assassination of the General Holofernes. The sculpture was made during the end of his career. It is one of the remarkable sculptures that were conceived in the round, with its four distinct faces.

David (1409)

 The marble David, fully clothed was made during Donatello's twenties. He was commissioned to make it though it was never displayed by the person who asked him to do it. Later in his years, he made a bronze version, one were David was unclothed.

Raphael's full name is Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino. His father was also a painter. Raphael died early at the age of 37.

The School of Athens (1511)
This art was Raphael's best known work. It is his depiction of Philosophy. This work of his was seen as "Raphael's masterpiece and perfect embodiment of the classical spirit of Renaissance."

Oddi Altarpiece (1504)
The altarpiece of the Coronation of the Virgin. In the upper part of the painting shows Virgin Mary being crowned. In the bottom shows the apostles gathered around Mary's tomb.

The Marriage of the Virgin (1504)
Also known Lo Sposalizio. It depicts the marriage ceremony of Mary and Joseph. It was inspired by the painting of Perugino.

Tiziano Vecellio or best known as Titian is a famous painter duriing this period. His art style greatly influenced Renaissance artists and also the present Western artists. He died due to a fever.

Diana and Actaeon (1559)
This painting shows the first meeting of Diana and Actaeon. It perfectly shows the concept of Renaissance art. Body proportion and realistic expressions.

Venus and Adonis (1554)
This illustration shows the end of Venus and Adonis' relationship. Though Venus tried to stop Adonis from hunting, the man retaliated thus ending in his tragic death. You can see Cupid sleeping in the background, this symbolizes Adonis' resistance from Venus.

Rape of Europa (1562)
This painting shows Europa being carried away by a Jupiter disguised as a bull. At the bottom left of the painting, the nude boy seemed to be mocking her. The art clearly depicts Roman mythology.

Source: Wikipedia

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