
We won't use flowery words for this blog, so basically, this will be a simple blog which contains a summary of the summaries of information about the Renaissance period.

Miyerkules, Disyembre 16, 2015

10 Important events of French Revolution

Call of the Estates General

( May 5, 1789 )

The Estates General was assembled by King Louis XVI in May 1789. It was summoned to solve the monarchy's financial crisis.  three classes represented by the Estates General:
the nobles, clergy and the rest of the population or the so-called Third Estate.

Tennis Court Oath

( June 17, 1789 )

was a pivotal event during the first days of the French Revolution. The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General on 20 June 1789.

Storming of Bastille

( July 14, 1789 )

Bastille represents royal authority of Paris. Storming of Bastille was also the start of French revolution. It was the French's economic crisis. Where all the cost were given to pay tax. 

Declaration of the Rights of the Man

( August 26, 1789 )

Declaration of the rights of the man is a fundamental document of the French revolution. This Declaration was influence by Thomas Jefferson. This was also a 'natural right' wherein the rights of the men were held. 

March on Versailles
March on Versailles

( October 5. 1789 ) 

women were the ones who march on Versailles. they were marching because they were hungry while King Louis XVI eat and eat like there's a feast. the march brought to the end of the monarchy of Versailles. they also demanded gender equality.

Civil constitution of the Clergy

( July 12, 1790 )

This was the step to control the church. this was the way to make the Clergy being elected.

Royal Family Attempts to flee

( June 20, 1791 )

King Louis XVI and his family attempts to flee but was captured. So they sent back again in Paris and let the king force to do trial.

Execution of the king

( January 21, 1793 )

after the trial the king was sentenced to death.

Reign of Terror

( September 1793 - July 1794 )

Marie Antoinette led a parade of prominent and other citizens. Also, public executions was considered educational. Woman were encouraged to knit while on trial. The execution of thousands people and almost 30,000 people were died.

Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

( June 1795 - January 1814 )

He was a general of the Paris army and became a hero. They elected him to became a king and won many battles. He was also the one who let the France became one of the powerful country before.


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